What’s in the report?
When you’ve been in a car accident or motorcycle crash, the insurance companies are not on your side. In fact, the insurance companies and adjusters will do everything possible to pay you nothing or as little as possible. Insurance companies pay millions and millions of dollars training their adjusters. Insurance adjusters have years and years of experience and training. The insurance companies and adjusters will use every trick in the book to pay you as little as possible. They will use your words against you.
KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! This report tells you the 5 biggest mistakes people make that can ruin their car accident or motorcycle crash cases. It tells you in detail how to avoid making these common and costly mistakes. The report also gives you a number of bonus tips so you can be armed and ready to deal with the insurance company and insurance adjuster. This report is a MUST READ before you ever talk to an insurance adjuster. Don’t talk to an insurance adjuster and be sorry. Be smart and order our free report now.
In this report you’ll learn:
What you should do if you have been in a wreck
Common mistakes that can ruin your claim
How to properly preserve critical evidence
What you should do if the insurance company says you have to sign a medical authorization
When and under what conditions you should talk to the insurance adjuster

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