Bicycle Accident Lawsuits
Bicycle accident lawsuits can be confusing and complicated. Make sure you have an experienced Ventura bicycle accident attorney by your side. Call for a free consultation.
Read Our Bicycle Accident Guide
In most instances, you can sue the driver of that car who hit and injured you on your bike, even if you are partially at fault. What you need to do is contact an attorney right away. They are going to have to conduct an investigation into exactly what happened. They may need to go out and take measurements on the road, look for evidence, and see if they can find any witnesses and get witness statements. If you’ve been in Ventura and you were on a bike and were hit by a car, please do not hesitate. Call me right away so that we can get out there and do the legwork that really is required to build your case so that you can receive compensation from the driver of the car that hit you.
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